On October 15th, CircThread, with the support of SUPSI, organised an event entitled ‘Circular Economy in Organisations’ in Switzerland. The event gathered more than 50 participants in person, received an overwhelmingly positive response, and highlighted companies’ interest in circular and sustainable decisions.
Development and adoption of circular materials in the toy industry
After an introduction to the circular economy concept made by Deborah Leone (SUPSI), one of the highlights of the event was the session dedicated to the toy industry’s adoption of circular materials. This session was led by the company CEO, Filippo Gallizia (GEOMAG).

Cristina Di Maria (UNI) explained how standardisation supports the development of circular practices.

Then, Giuseppe Landolfi (SUPSI), in collaboration with Piercarlo Balducci (INTERROLL), introduced and explained GRETA, the tool developed by SUPSI and used by company to make decisions about circular and sustainable products and processes.

Circular economy: future perspectives
During the round table session, Mirco De Savelli (CIRCULAR LUGANO), Roberto Lombardi (GUESS), Samuele Lombardini (PLASTEX), Ibraimovic Tatjana, Michel Jaeger (CITTA’ DI LUGANO) and Paolo Rosa (POLIMI) discussed how public and private organisations deal with circular economy, how they implement it and the prospects for the future.

To conclude, Alessandro Fontana (SUPSI) explained SUPSI’s role in supporting local semi-businesses.
It was certainly a profitable and productive event for local companies, a big step toward the continuity of circular activities.