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- Create Date January 8, 2024
- Last Updated January 8, 2024
Deliverable 7.2: Pilots Monitoring & Evaluation Initial Progress
This is a pre-publication of this CircThread project deliverable. The deliverable is still pending formal review and acceptance by the EU project officers active in the H2020 CircThread project.
Linked to T7.1, Provides the Pilots Deployment and testing plan for the CircThread project, including as outcomes: a detailed deployment plan for each of the three pilots including which services will be used when and by whom for what purposes and at what time, the management structure of each of the pilots with responsibilities with risks and contingencies and mitigation steps, and a deployment plan in terms of the planning steps, procurement needs and communications for tests to be carried out, and an overview of the testing procedures and KPIs to be provided from each tests for benchmarking. Finally, it will include the performance monitoring & evaluation framework for monitoring, feedback, evaluation and adaptation of the plan, and a description of the helpdesk that is setup during the task for debugging.