Articles & Papers


Assessing the disassembly performance of washing machines through the design for circular disassembly methodology 998.59 KB 25 downloads

Authors: Giovanni Formentini, Thorvald Alrø Martiny, Christian Møller, Teodor Vernica...

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.16 MB 111 downloads

Published by: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Environment Directorate-General...

Various Use Cases: DataSpaces Implementation for sensitive data. Data contract-based information sharing piloting status 948.66 KB 63 downloads

Example datasets: Simplified BOM (UC3) Recyclability declaration (UC4) Spare parts...

Use Case 2: Manufacturing Information Acquisition. Circular Sustainability Advisory for Product LCSA-CA KPIs piloting status 1.20 MB 51 downloads

Using GRETA to calculate KPIs for environmental and social declarations of products ...

Use Case 1: Creating the Digital Thread Product Model Meta-data Catalogue for new products piloting status 865.78 KB 60 downloads

Referencing and sharing detailed product information using the catalogue along the...

Brief article on CircThread by Rembrandt Koppelaar 141.58 KB 86 downloads

This article appear in the "Standard" n.4, Anno 2, Luglio 2023, magazine that is...

The Consumer Experience Perspective in European Projects on Packaging and the Circular Economy 142.50 KB 140 downloads

Title: The Consumer Experience Perspective in European Projects on Packaging and...

Accounting For Product End-of-Life Status in Disassembly Time Estimation Using Modified Maynard Operation Sequences 842.68 KB 65 downloads

Title: Accounting For Product End-of-Life Status in Disassembly Time Estimation Using...

Exchanging product data across the value chain: a practical approach 2.38 MB 162 downloads

Title: Exchanging product data across the value chain: a practical approach Language:...