Last November 22-24, the CircThread 3 General Assembly was held in Milan, at UNI headquarters.
It was an opportunity to meet again and continue working.

The consortium made progress in the project, although there are still aspects to be defined. During the first session, all the partners made a status introduction of the work, deliverables, and next steps in the next six months.
Subsequently, the partners Atos and Ecowise reviewed the development and design of the CircThread platform, explaining the architecture, modules, the chosen design, and a chronology with estimated times.
The Mondragon partner updated the steps to be taken in the exploitation path.
Cartif, in charge of pilot activities, also explained the planning needs and workflows in the pilots.
Comet leading the communication issues emphasised the need to communicate the project and the need for all consortium partners to collaborate as they have been doing so far.

CircThread dedicated the second day to workshops. One of the workshops was about product traceability, conducted by DFKI and ONYX partners. The other one was regarding the standardisation and regulation toolkit conducted by our host partner UNI.
On the last day, Erion‘s partner organised visits to three recycling centres near Milan.
These visits have been a source of inspiration for further work on the project.