The 6th General Assembly of CircThread was held in Porto on June 18th and 19th. INESCTEC, a Portuguese partner, hosted us in its facilities.
This assembly has served to inform the whole consortium about the roadmap and the project’s status.

June 18th, pilots, posters and parallel sessions
As usual in our assemblies, all partners leading work packages made a quick presentation explaining the achievements and next steps.
Afterwards, we focused on WP7. We carried out an overview of the status of all pilot use cases. To visually and clearly understand all the information, a poster session was held in which the pilots showed the work done to all the participants. This action was fundamental for all the partners to know the work being done.
This was followed by parallel sessions in which, in small groups, the updates of the pilots’ activities were presented in more depth, the circularity of the products was discussed, and a review and open debate on services and needs took place.

June 19th, more parallel sessions, CEN-CENELEC and next steps
On this second day, we also saw work in parallel sessions. This time, the groups of manufacturers, collectors & PRO, recyclers, retailers and consumer organisations reflected on the use of services by each sector, the challenges in each pilot and the broader challenges.
WP9 led a presentation on Workshop CEN-CENELEC on Guidelines to create a Digital Product Passport—the EU project CircThread experience.
Finally, the GA concluded with an overview of the upcoming policy briefs, the activities to be carried out in the pilots, the preparation of the Hackathon, and the engagement of early adopters and CircThread beyond the CircThread project.

Many thanks to the whole consortium for the great work during these months!!
Special thanks to INESC TEC for hosting us!!
We keep working to make the economy truly circular!!!!