CircThread with women and girls in science For another year, CircThread wants to join the actions aimed at giving visibility to women in science.Yesterday, February February 14, 2024
CircThread ½-day events In the project context, a series of events have been designed and transformed into what CircThread calls 1/2-day January 24, 2024
4th General Assembly of CircThread in Maribor, Slovenia Last week, (6,7 and 8 June) we met at the 4th General Assembly of CircThread in Maribor, Slovenia. June 14, 2023
A NEW WAY OF DESIGNING PRODUCTS Our planet has finite resources, and it is crucial that we rethink the way we live and interact June 1, 2023
Digital Product Passports: the new key player in the fight against greenwashing As consumers, an increasing number of us aspire to buy sustainable products, and hopefully diminish our impact on May 24, 2023
What role does the WEEE Forum play in CircThread? The past two years of the CircThread project have been characterised by creating the foundations of a viable May 10, 2023
SUPSI Interview: Sustainability decision-making framework In the context of the sustainability decision-making framework worked on in T3.2, CircThread has interviewed the partner SUPSI March 27, 2023
The future is in good hands. CircThread joins the celebration of Women in Science Sometimes we think that talking to children about research and innovation is complicated as we believe they will February 15, 2023
Product Metadata Catalogue Vocabulary for Circular Economy CircThread seeks to make appliances like boilers, batteries, dishwashers washing machines, and solar panels sustainable, both from environmental January 11, 2023